Wonderful Pakistan: A Short Look Into Peshawar

Saturday 1 October 2016

A Short Look Into Peshawar

Kabuli gate (1905) from the famous Qissa Khwani (Story teller bazar),

 Quaid-e-Azam in Peshawar, 1940
The Kapoors lived in Dhakki near Peshawar's Qissa Khwani Bazaar.

 [Qissa Khawani Bazaar (Story tellers Bazaar) near Old Kabuli Gate. Metal worker's shop and Indians in bazaar]
Date: January 21 1903

Kabuli gate [Old Kabuli Gate, Indians and horse drawn carriages outside]
Date: January 21 1903

Extremely rare Pictures of Peshawar: A Sikh Cloth Merchant in Peshawar Bazaar, 1928 -
Peshawar People Going to Kabul for Entertainment
Old image of Saddar Bazaar Peshawar, 1940s
Khyber Train Safari. The Khyber train safari was a tourist train which ran between Peshawar and Landi Kotal through Khyber Pass in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province. The Train has been closed in 2006 due to washed away of railway track and bridges by flood. In this photo, the train is about to depart from Shahgai railway station and descend out of the Khyber Pass back to Jamrud, near Peshawar. The local tribesmen are asserting their right to free travel on the trains, a condition of the railway being built through their land.
Dean’s Hotel, Peshawar – 1946. Dean’s Hotel was constructed in 1913. It was built on 7.21 acres and was one of the most famous hotels in undivided India. Among its distinguished guests were Rudyard Kipling, Sir Winston Churchill, Quaid-e-Azam, and King Nadir Shah of Afghanistan (in 1929). The hotel was demolished a few years back and a plaza was constructed in its place.
Mohatma Gandhi with Ghaffar Khan in Peshawar
A 19th century Palace, Arbab Road, Peshawar. It belonged to a young orphaned Sikh.

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